Remedial Teaching: A Step Towardsachiving Right Learning
Remedial teaching is also known as developmental education, basic skills education, compensatory education, preparatory education, and academic upgrading is assigned to assist students in order to achieve a academic competencies in core academic skills such as literacy and numeracy. Remedial teaching can counteract difficulties beforehand , it should be organized according to a plan and as often as is necessary.
Remedial is a highly effective short-term interference of tutoring struggling readers in both an individualized and small group setting. Remedial teachers are highly trained professionals who work closely with students and design prescriptive and strategic instruction to address individual student needs and requirements. Once students can meet grade-level expectations and demonstrate that they can continue to work independently in the classroom, they are released from remedial reading but are still monitored closely to ensure academic success. Remedial learning help students to meet their expectations with less failure and errors.
What are the activities in remedial teaching??
- Correcting Reversals
- Computer Games
- Making individualized spelling lists
- Learning how to self correct
- Playing classroom games like Roll a slight
- Auditory, visual and kinesthetic activities.
- Analyze errors before retakes
- Provide options for tutoring
- Encourage reviewing in a new way
- Work on organization and study habits
- Introduce differentiated instruction
- Try a digital Curriculum
AIMS - for attaining positive results
- To give additional help to pupils who, for one reason or another, have fallen behind the rest of the class in the subjects of mathematics and English.
- Help pupil who have fallen behind to learn to the best of their ability and to bring them back into the mainstream classes as far as possible.